Monday, November 21, 2011



Listen to your Intuition. Have confidence in your ability to survive and thrive in new endeavors, even if you're not assured of the outcome. Example: we think nothing of driving 2500+ miles across country at night, with only the 10' beam of our headlights to guide us, but we do it easily without knowing what lies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. IT's great to see you have a blog. I just told Candice and Brooks about all your books and your best friend Rudy. The big reason I wanted to leave a comment was because "Take the Leap" reminds me of our old mantra in San Diego: "leap and the net will appear". That was so true. Also "success is the best revenge" although we're way too consciously evolved to say that now! But the best ever, "you gots to ask for what you want girlfriend", from one of your flight attendant sages. I still remember that one often. Lots of love and light to you ...Chris


What's your favorite Rudy painting? What have you learned from your pets? Feel free to share.